TOEIC対策講座 ブログ

TOEIC攻略ステップアップガイド Part8:関係代名詞 – 複雑な内容を簡潔に伝える技術


1. 関係代名詞の基本と種類


who主格(〜する人)The manager who gave the presentation is Mr. Johnson.
whom目的格(〜される人)The client whom we met yesterday signed the contract.
whose人・物所有格(〜の)We hired an engineer whose expertise is in artificial intelligence.
which物・事主格・目的格The report which I submitted yesterday was approved.
that人・物・事主格・目的格The proposal that she made was innovative.




制限用法(Restrictive Use):先行詞を限定し、「どの〜」かを特定する

  • コンマを使わない
  • that, which, who, whom, whose が使える
  • that が最も一般的(特に口語では)

例:The report that was submitted yesterday needs revision.
(昨日提出された報告書は修正が必要です。→ どの報告書かを特定している)

非制限用法(Non-restrictive Use):先行詞について追加情報を提供する

  • コンマで区切る
  • which, who, whom, whose が使える(that は使えない)

例:The annual report, which was submitted yesterday, has been approved.
(年次報告書は昨日提出されたのですが、承認されました。→ 年次報告書についての追加情報)



目的格の関係代名詞関係代名詞が目的格の場合The report (that/which) I wrote was well-received.
関係副詞 where の省略前置詞 + which で場所を表す場合The office (in which / where) we had the meeting is being renovated.
関係副詞 when の省略前置詞 + which で時を表す場合The day (on which / when) we launched the product was a success.

2. ビジネス文書での関係代名詞の効果的な使い方





× We received your email. Your email was about the upcoming conference.
○ We received your email which was about the upcoming conference.

○ We received your email about the upcoming conference.


× Ms. Johnson is our new marketing director. She joined our company last month.
○ Ms. Johnson, who joined our company last month, is our new marketing director.


× We are launching a new service. This service helps small businesses manage their finances.
○ We are launching a new service that helps small businesses manage their finances.





  • Employees who arrive late must report to the HR department.
    (遅刻する従業員は人事部に報告しなければなりません。→ 遅刻する従業員のみ)
  • The documents that require your signature are on your desk.
    (あなたの署名が必要な書類はあなたの机の上にあります。→ 署名が必要な書類のみ)


  • Our CEO, who recently returned from London, will address the team tomorrow.
    (最近ロンドンから戻った当社のCEOは、明日チームに対応します。→ CEOについての追加情報)
  • The annual report, which includes detailed financial data, will be distributed next week.
    (詳細な財務データを含む年次報告書は、来週配布される予定です。→ 報告書についての追加情報)





Thank you for your inquiry which we received yesterday. Regarding the issue that you mentioned, we have investigated and found a solution. We will implement the changes that are necessary to prevent similar problems in the future.


I am writing to follow up on the meeting that we had on Tuesday. As per the action items which were agreed upon, I have prepared a draft that outlines the next steps. Please review the attached document, which contains the detailed implementation plan.


Please find attached our proposal that addresses the requirements you specified. We have included case studies that demonstrate our experience in similar projects. Our team, which consists of experts in this field, is ready to start as soon as we receive your approval.

3. TOEICでよく出る関係代名詞のパターン

TOEIC試験では、関係代名詞に関する問題が頻出します。特にPart 5(短文穴埋め問題)やPart 6(長文穴埋め問題)で出題されることが多いです。典型的なパターンを把握しておきましょう。

TOEIC Part 5でよく出るパターン


The consultant _____ recommendations were implemented has been hired for another project.

(A) who (B) whom (C) whose (D) which

解説: 「コンサルタントの推奨事項」という所有関係を表す必要があります。よって正解は (C) whose です。who や whom では所有関係を表せません。


The report _____ was submitted last week contains several errors.

(A) who (B) which (C) it (D) what

解説: 「先週提出されたレポート」という意味で、物を先行詞とする制限用法の関係代名詞が必要です。よって正解は (B) which です。who は人を先行詞とする場合に使います。

TOEIC Part 6・7でよく出るパターン


The CEO has announced a new policy _____ will affect all departments.

(A) it (B) that (C) what (D) when

解説: 「すべての部門に影響を与える新しい方針」という意味で、物を先行詞とする関係代名詞が必要です。よって正解は (B) that です。なお、この場合は which も可能ですが、選択肢にはありません。


The documents _____ you requested are ready for pickup.

(A) which (B) where (C) when (D) (no word)

解説: 「あなたが要求した書類」という意味で、目的格の関係代名詞が省略可能です。よって正解は (D) (no word) です。もちろん、(A) which も文法的には正しいですが、TOEICでは最も自然な表現を選ぶ必要があります。



関係代名詞 what「〜するもの(こと)」
I don’t understand what you mean.
疑問詞 + 不定詞「どのように〜するか」などShe explained how to use the new system.
関係副詞場所・時間・理由などを表すThis is the reason why we changed our strategy.

4. 関係代名詞のよくある間違いとその修正法




間違い1:that と which の混同

  • 誤: The annual report, that includes all financial data, will be published next month.
    (非制限用法では that は使えない)
  • 正: The annual report, which includes all financial data, will be published next month.

間違い2:who と whom の混同

  • 誤: The clients who we met yesterday were impressed with our presentation.
    (目的格の場合は whom が正しい)
  • 正: The clients whom we met yesterday were impressed with our presentation.
    (ただし、口語では who も広く使われる)


  • 誤: This is the document which I told you about it yesterday.
  • 正: This is the document which I told you about yesterday.


  • 誤: I met the new manager yesterday who joined our team.
  • 正: I met the new manager who joined our team yesterday.




  • 誤: We discussed the project with the client which is behind schedule.
    (which が指すのは project か client か不明確)
  • 正: We discussed the project, which is behind schedule, with the client.


  • 誤: Employees, who arrive late, must report to HR.
  • 正: Employees who arrive late must report to HR.


  • 誤: The email who I received contained important information.
    (物には who ではなく which/that を使う)
  • 正: The email that/which I received contained important information.


  • 誤: A report was submitted by the consultant which contained several recommendations.
    (which が consultant を修飾しているように読める)
  • 正: A report which contained several recommendations was submitted by the consultant.

5. ビジネスシーン別:関係代名詞の実践的活用





“Our company, which was founded in 1995, has grown to become a leader in the industry. We specialize in developing solutions that address the most challenging problems faced by our clients. The technologies that we use are cutting-edge, enabling us to deliver results that exceed expectations.”


“Today I’d like to introduce our new product, which we’ve been developing for the past two years. This is a revolutionary system that integrates AI and cloud computing. The customers who have tested the beta version have provided extremely positive feedback. The feature that users appreciate most is the intuitive interface.”


“The strategy that we’re implementing is based on market research that we conducted last quarter. The data, which has been carefully analyzed, shows significant opportunities in the Asian market. Our team, whose expertise in this region is unmatched, will lead this initiative.”




“This report summarizes the findings that emerged from our market analysis. The research team, which consisted of both internal analysts and external consultants, identified several key trends. The most significant trend, which is detailed in Section 3, indicates a shift in consumer preferences. The companies that adapt quickly to these changes will gain competitive advantage.”


“We are pleased to submit this proposal, which addresses the challenges you outlined in your RFP. Our solution, which is based on our proprietary technology, offers a comprehensive approach. The implementation plan that we’ve developed takes into account all requirements that you specified.”


“The data that we’ve collected clearly supports our initial hypothesis. The factors that have the most significant impact are market volatility and regulatory changes. Based on these findings, we recommend actions that will mitigate risks while capitalizing on opportunities that are emerging in the market.”




“We understand the concerns that you’ve raised regarding the timeline. The schedule that we initially proposed can be adjusted to address these concerns. However, there are certain quality standards that we can’t compromise on. Let’s discuss alternatives that would work for both parties.”


“The approach that my team is suggesting offers several advantages. The most important benefit, which I’d like to emphasize, is cost efficiency. The savings that we project are substantial. Colleagues who have implemented similar methods in their departments have reported positive outcomes.”


“The issue that we’re facing has several root causes. The primary cause, which we identified during our analysis, relates to supply chain disruptions. The suppliers with whom we’ve had long-term relationships are also experiencing difficulties. I believe the solution that will be most effective is a collaborative approach.”

6. TOEIC得点アップのための関係代名詞学習法



  1. 基本から応用へ段階的に学ぶ:まず基本的な用法(who, which, that の違いなど)をマスターし、徐々に複雑な用法(非制限用法、whom, whose など)に進みましょう。
  2. 文の分解と結合の練習:2つの短い文を関係代名詞を使って1つにまとめる練習は、関係代名詞の理解に役立ちます。
    • 例:I met a client. He is from Germany. → I met a client who is from Germany.
  3. 制限用法と非制限用法の区別を意識する:コンマの有無による意味の違いを理解し、適切に使い分ける練習をしましょう。
  4. 頻出パターンの問題を重点的に解く:TOEICの過去問や模擬問題から関係代名詞に関する問題を集めて集中的に練習しましょう。



1. 先行詞と関係代名詞の一致に注目する

  • 人 → who, whom, whose, that
  • 物・事 → which, that, whose

2. 関係代名詞の役割を理解する

  • 主格:関係詞節の中で主語になる(The person who called is waiting.)
  • 目的格:関係詞節の中で目的語になる(The report that I wrote was approved.)
  • 所有格:所有関係を示す(The employee whose performance improved received a bonus.)

3. 省略可能なケースを覚える

  • 目的格の関係代名詞は省略可能(The report (that/which) I wrote was approved.)

4. 前置詞との組み合わせに慣れる

  • 前置詞 + 関係代名詞:in which, to whom, for which など
  • 前置詞の位置:The company for which I work… / The company which I work for…

5. 複合関係代名詞(複合関係詞)を区別する

  • what(〜するもの・こと)≠ which/that(先行詞+関係代名詞)
  • whoever(誰でも〜する人)、whatever(何でも〜するもの)




問題1: Choose the correct relative pronoun.

The manager _____ office is on the top floor will chair the meeting.

(A) who (B) whom (C) whose (D) which

【正解】(C) whose – 所有格の関係代名詞が必要です。

問題2: Choose the best way to combine the following sentences.

The proposal was innovative. The marketing team submitted the proposal last week.

(A) The proposal was innovative submitted by the marketing team last week.

(B) The proposal which was innovative that the marketing team submitted last week.

(C) The proposal that the marketing team submitted last week was innovative.

(D) The innovative proposal was submitted by the marketing team last week it.

【正解】(C) The proposal that the marketing team submitted last week was innovative.

問題3: Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.

The clients, _____ we presented our new products, were very impressed.

(A) to who (B) to whom (C) which (D) whose

【正解】(B) to whom – 「クライアントに対して発表した」という意味の前置詞+関係代名詞が必要です。

7. ビジネス英語力を高める関係代名詞活用のコツ




1. 複雑な情報の整理


  • 例:Our new product will be launched next month. It has been in development for two years.
  • 整理:Our new product, which has been in development for two years, will be launched next month.

2. 文の構造を見やすくする


  • 複雑:The strategic plan that addresses the challenges we’ve been facing in the Asian market which has experienced significant volatility over the past six months will be presented tomorrow.
  • 改善:The strategic plan that addresses our challenges in the Asian market will be presented tomorrow. This market has experienced significant volatility over the past six months.

3. 前置詞の位置を工夫する


  • フォーマル:The company for which I work is expanding into new markets.
  • カジュアル:The company which I work for is expanding into new markets.




  • 例:Thank you for the information (that) you sent yesterday.


  • 例:The survey results, which are detailed in Appendix A, indicate a positive trend.


  • 例:We offer solutions that transform businesses.


  • 例:The services which are described in Schedule 1 shall be provided in accordance with the terms of this agreement.




1. 口語では目的格の関係代名詞を省略する傾向がある

  • The report (that) I sent you contains all the information (that) you need.

2. 非公式な場面では whom の代わりに who を使うことが多い

  • The person who I spoke to yesterday is our new client.

3. 関係詞節内での前置詞の位置

  • 公式文書: The company to which we submitted our proposal has responded favorably.
  • 日常会話: The company which we submitted our proposal to has responded favorably.

4. 制限用法での that の多用

  • The issues that we need to address are listed in the memo.

8. 今日から始める関係代名詞マスターのためのアクション


  1. ビジネスメールや報告書を分析する:実際のビジネス文書で使われている関係代名詞を探し、その用法を観察しましょう。特に、制限用法と非制限用法の使い分けに注目してください。
  2. 文の結合練習を日課にする:毎日5分でも、2つの文を関係代名詞を使って1つにまとめる練習をしましょう。自分の書いたメールや文書を見直し、短い文が連続している部分があれば、関係代名詞を使ってまとめてみましょう。
  3. TOEICの関係代名詞問題を集中的に解く:過去問や問題集から関係代名詞に関する問題を抽出し、パターンごとに整理して解きましょう。間違えた問題は、なぜ間違えたのかを分析し、同じミスを繰り返さないようにしましょう。





ブログ 英検対策 英検2級対策







  1. 学校制度や教育方法に関するトピック
    • 制服の是非
    • 宿題の量
    • オンライン授業
    • 学校行事の重要性
  2. 学習内容に関するトピック
    • 英語教育
    • 芸術科目の重要性
    • 実践的スキルの教育
    • プログラミング教育
  3. 学校生活・人間関係に関するトピック
    • クラブ活動
    • 友人関係
    • 教師と生徒の関係
    • いじめ問題





学校制度school system
教師/先生teacher / instructor
生徒/学生student / pupil
授業class / lesson
課題/宿題assignment / homework
学習するlearn / study
教えるteach / instruct
発表するpresent / give a presentation
評価するevaluate / assess



  • Education plays a vital role in shaping our future. (教育は私たちの未来を形作る上で重要な役割を果たします)
  • I strongly believe that school uniforms promote equality among students. (制服は生徒間の平等を促進すると強く信じています)
  • After-school clubs provide students with valuable opportunities to develop teamwork skills. (部活動は生徒たちにチームワークスキルを伸ばす貴重な機会を提供します)
  • In my opinion, homework is necessary for reinforcing what students learn in class. (私の意見では、宿題は生徒が授業で学んだことを強化するために必要です)


  • I disagree with the view that traditional teaching methods are always the best. (伝統的な教授法が常に最良であるという見解には同意できません)
  • Too much homework can actually hinder students’ creativity and free thinking. (宿題が多すぎると、実際に生徒の創造性や自由な思考を妨げる可能性があります)
  • School uniforms may limit students’ self-expression and individuality. (制服は生徒の自己表現や個性を制限する可能性があります)
  • Focusing only on academic subjects neglects the importance of arts and physical education. (学術科目のみに焦点を当てると、芸術や体育の重要性が軽視されます)


  • While online learning offers flexibility, it should complement rather than replace traditional classrooms. (オンライン学習は柔軟性を提供しますが、従来の教室に取って代わるのではなく、補完すべきです)
  • A balanced approach that combines both academic study and practical skills would be most beneficial. (学術的な勉強と実践的なスキルの両方を組み合わせたバランスの取れたアプローチが最も有益でしょう)
  • Schools should find a middle ground between strict discipline and allowing students freedom. (学校は厳格な規律と生徒に自由を与えることの間で中間点を見つけるべきです)




  1. 導入(約20語)
    • トピックの紹介
    • 自分の立場表明(賛成/反対/条件付き)
  2. 本論(約60語)
    • 理由1(約25語):最も重要な理由
    • 理由2(約25語):補足的な理由
    • (語数に余裕があれば)反対意見への言及と反論(約10語)
  3. 結論(約20語)
    • 立場の再確認
    • 未来への展望や提案




問題文例: Do you agree or disagree with the statement: “All schools should require students to wear uniforms.” Write your opinion in 80-100 words.


I agree that all schools should require uniforms. School uniforms have several important benefits for students and the school environment.

First, uniforms create a sense of equality among students by eliminating visible economic differences through clothing. This helps reduce bullying based on appearance or fashion choices. Second, uniforms help students focus on learning rather than what to wear, saving time and mental energy each morning.

Additionally, uniforms foster a sense of community and belonging within the school. In conclusion, while uniforms may limit self-expression somewhat, their benefits in creating an equal, focused, and unified learning environment outweigh this disadvantage.



I disagree with mandatory school uniforms for all schools. While uniforms may create a sense of belonging, they have significant drawbacks.

First, uniforms limit students’ self-expression and individuality, which are important aspects of personal development. Young people need opportunities to discover their identity, and clothing is one way they express themselves. Second, uniforms can be costly for families, creating financial burdens despite their intention to reduce social inequality.

Instead, schools could implement dress codes that allow some flexibility while maintaining appropriate standards. In conclusion, schools should encourage individuality while teaching students to make responsible choices rather than enforcing strict uniform policies.



問題文例: Some people believe online classes should replace traditional classroom learning. Do you agree or disagree? Write your opinion in 80-100 words.


I believe that online classes should complement rather than completely replace traditional classroom learning. Both formats have distinct advantages.

Traditional classrooms offer irreplaceable face-to-face interaction, immediate feedback, and social development opportunities that build communication skills. However, online learning provides flexibility, accessibility, and the chance to learn at one’s own pace, which benefits many students.

The ideal approach would be a hybrid model where some subjects are taught online while others, especially those requiring discussion or hands-on practice, remain in-person. This balanced approach would prepare students for the digital future while maintaining the social aspects of education that are crucial for development.



問題文例: Do you think students should have less homework? Write your opinion in 80-100 words.


I believe students should have less homework but of higher quality. The current homework load in many schools is excessive and counterproductive.

Too much homework causes stress and fatigue, leaving students with little time for other important activities like family time, exercise, and pursuing personal interests. These activities are also essential for balanced development. Additionally, excessive homework often focuses on repetition rather than meaningful learning.

Instead, schools should assign fewer but more thoughtful assignments that encourage critical thinking and creativity. Quality is more important than quantity. In conclusion, reducing homework while improving its educational value would benefit students’ learning and overall well-being.





  1. 平等性と公平性
    • 制服は社会経済的な差を外見上減らす
    • 標準化された教育は全ての生徒に同じ機会を提供する
  2. 集中力と学習効率
    • 明確なルールは学習環境を整える
    • 適切な量の宿題は授業内容の定着に役立つ
  3. 社会性の発達
    • 学校行事やクラブ活動はチームワークを育む
    • 集団生活はコミュニケーション能力を高める
  4. 将来への準備
    • 規律や時間管理は社会人としてのスキルを養う
    • 多様な科目の学習は広い視野を育てる


  1. 個性と創造性
    • 画一的な教育は個性を抑制する可能性がある
    • 自己表現の機会は創造性を育む
  2. ストレスと精神的負担
    • 過度な競争や宿題は精神的な負担になる
    • 十分な休息時間も成長に必要
  3. 実践的スキルの欠如
    • 理論中心の教育は実生活のスキルを軽視しがち
    • 現代社会では柔軟性や問題解決能力が重要
  4. 多様性への配慮
    • 一律の方法は様々な学習スタイルに対応できない
    • 個人のペースや特性に合わせた教育が理想的





例: 「オンライン授業は効果的だ」という一般論ではなく、「パンデミック中に行われたオンライン授業で、録画機能により何度も復習できた経験」など具体的なエピソードを簡潔に入れる。



例: 「宿題は減らすべきだが、全くないと学習の定着が難しいこともある」というように、反対意見も認めつつ自分の立場を述べる。



例: 「制服の議論では外見の統一性だけでなく、学校が目指す『平等な学習機会の提供』という根本的な価値との関連で考えるべきだ」




問題文: Some people think that participation in after-school clubs or activities should be mandatory for all students. Do you agree or disagree? Write your opinion in 80-100 words.


問題文: Do you agree or disagree with the statement: “English education should start from kindergarten”? Write your opinion in 80-100 words.




  1. 教育・学校生活テーマの出題傾向
  2. テーマ別キーワードと使える表現
  3. 効果的な意見文の構成例
  4. 頻出トピック別の模範解答例
  5. 賛成/反対で使える論点集
  6. 英作文の評価を高めるための工夫


TOEIC対策講座 ブログ

TOEIC攻略ステップアップガイド Part7:前置詞と接続詞 – 細かいニュアンスを伝える

ビジネス英語を強化するTOEIC攻略ステップアップガイドの第7回は「前置詞と接続詞:細かいニュアンスを伝える」です。前置詞と接続詞は、英文の意味を精緻に伝える上で重要な役割を果たします。適切な前置詞や接続詞を選べるかどうかで、意図したニュアンスが正確に伝わるかが決まります。TOEICでも頻出の分野であり、特にPart 5やPart 6での得点アップに直結します。今回は、ビジネスシーンで使える前置詞と接続詞の活用法をご紹介します。

1. ビジネスで使う重要な前置詞とそのニュアンス


at特定の場所・時点時刻、価格、具体的な場所The meeting starts at 9 AM.
We sell this product at $99.
in内部、期間内月・年・季節、分野、状態We’ll launch the product in May.
She specializes in marketing.
on接触、表面上日付、テーマ、媒体The conference is on Monday.
She gave a presentation on market trends.
for目的、対象、期間目的、利益、期間、対象This report is for the executive team.
We’ve worked on this project for three months.
to方向、目的地受取人、目的、範囲Please send this email to all department heads.
We aim to increase sales by 20%.
with共同、手段手段、一緒に、特徴We’re working with a new supplier.
She impressed clients with her presentation.
by手段、行為者手段、期限、行為者Please submit your report by Friday.
The project was approved by the board.
about~について主題、概算Let’s talk about the marketing strategy.
We have about 100 employees.




  • in time vs. on time
    • We arrived in time for the presentation. (余裕を持って間に合った)
    • The meeting started on time. (予定通りの時間に)
  • in the meeting vs. at the meeting
    • We discussed the budget in the meeting. (会議の内容を強調)
    • Important decisions were made at the meeting. (会議という場を強調)
  • agree with vs. agree to vs. agree on
    • I agree with your opinion. (人の意見に賛成する)
    • We agreed to the terms of the contract. (条件を受け入れる)
    • The team agreed on a new strategy. (特定の事項について合意する)



in advance前もってThank you for preparing the documents in advance.
on behalf of~を代表してI’m speaking on behalf of the marketing team.
with regard to~に関してWith regard to your inquiry, we have prepared the following information.
in accordance with~に従ってAll procedures must be followed in accordance with company policy.
under consideration検討中Your proposal is currently under consideration.
in response to~への返答としてIn response to your email, I’ve attached the requested files.

2. ビジネス文書を構成する接続詞の効果的な使い方



追加and, moreover, furthermore, in addition, additionally情報や要点を追加するThe new system will improve efficiency. Moreover, it will reduce costs.
対比・対照but, however, nevertheless, on the other hand, while, whereas対立する意見や事実を示すThe initial cost is high. However, the long-term benefits are significant.
原因・理由because, since, as, due to the fact that理由や根拠を述べるWe need to reschedule the meeting because key members are unavailable.
結果・結論therefore, thus, consequently, as a result, so帰結や結論を導くThe market has changed significantly. Therefore, we need to revise our strategy.
目的so that, in order to, to目的や意図を示すWe restructured the department in order to improve operational efficiency.
条件if, unless, provided that, as long as条件や前提を示すWe can complete the project on time if we receive the resources we requested.
時間関係when, while, after, before, until, as soon as時間の順序や関係を示すAfter reviewing the proposal, please provide your feedback.




1. ビジネスレポートでの使用例

Sales declined in the first quarter due to seasonal factors. However, we observed a significant recovery in April. Furthermore, our market share increased by 2%. Therefore, we project strong performance for the remainder of the year, provided that market conditions remain stable.

2. ビジネスメールでの使用例

With reference to our meeting yesterday, I am writing to confirm the action points. First, our team will prepare the presentation. Meanwhile, your team will gather the market data. Once both tasks are completed, we will schedule a follow-up meeting in order to finalize the proposal.

3. プレゼンテーション・スピーチでの使用例

To begin with, I’d like to thank everyone for coming today. During this presentation, I will outline our new strategy. Then, I will explain how it will be implemented. Finally, I will address any questions you may have. So, let’s get started.



序列を示すfirst(ly), second(ly), finally, lastlyFirst, we need to identify the problem. Second, we should analyze possible solutions. Finally, we’ll implement the best option.
例示するfor example, for instance, such as, namelyWe need to improve in several areas, for example, customer service and product quality.
言い換えるin other words, that is, i.e., to put it simplyThe ROI was suboptimal; in other words, the investment didn’t yield the expected returns.
要約・結論in conclusion, to sum up, in summaryIn conclusion, our market position remains strong despite the recent challenges.
強調するindeed, in fact, actually, notablyOur new approach saved time. In fact, it reduced processing time by 40%.

3. TOEICでよく出る前置詞・接続詞のパターン

TOEIC Part 5では、前置詞や接続詞の適切な選択を問う問題が多く出題されます。頻出のパターンを押さえておきましょう。


The client insisted _____ receiving the documents before the end of the week.
(A) on (B) for (C) with (D) by

解説: “insist on ~”(〜を主張する)は重要な熟語表現です。正解は (A) on です。

All employees must comply _____ the company’s new security protocols.
(A) to (B) by (C) with (D) for

解説: “comply with ~”(〜に従う)という熟語表現が正しいです。正解は (C) with です。



account for〜を占める、説明するInternational sales account for 60% of our revenue.
apply for〜に応募するShe applied for the marketing manager position.
depend on〜次第であるProject completion will depend on timely delivery of materials.
result in〜という結果になるThe changes resulted in a 15% increase in productivity.
refer to〜を参照するPlease refer to the attached document for details.
consist of〜から成るThe committee consists of representatives from each department.


_____ the economic downturn, the company managed to increase its market share.
(A) Despite (B) Although (C) However (D) Nevertheless

解説: “Despite”は前置詞で後ろに名詞句が来ます。”Although”は従属接続詞で後ろに節が必要です。ここでは名詞句(the economic downturn)が続くので、正解は (A) Despite です。

The project will proceed as planned _____ there are no further delays.
(A) unless (B) provided that (C) despite (D) whereas

解説: 「さらなる遅延がない場合に、計画通りにプロジェクトは進行する」という意味になるため、条件を表す接続詞が適切です。正解は (B) provided that(〜という条件で)です。


Part 6や7では、文と文の論理関係を理解して適切な接続詞を選ぶ問題も出題されます。

The company has invested heavily in research and development. _____, it has struggled to bring new products to market.
(A) Therefore (B) Furthermore (C) Nevertheless (D) Similarly

解説: 前半の文と後半の文には対比の関係があります(多額の投資をしているのに市場に新製品を投入できていない)。そのため、逆接を表す接続詞が適切です。正解は (C) Nevertheless(それにもかかわらず)です。

4. 間違いやすい前置詞・接続詞の使い分け




1. at / in / on(場所・時間)

  • at: 特定の地点、時刻 → at the office, at 3 PM
  • in: 範囲内、期間内 → in Tokyo, in May, in 2023
  • on: 表面上、特定の日 → on the desk, on Monday

2. between / among

  • between: 2つの対象の間 → The agreement between our company and the supplier
  • among: 3つ以上の対象の間 → The issue was discussed among all department heads

3. during / for / while

  • during: 期間の内部(前置詞)→ The power outage occurred during the presentation
  • for: 期間の長さ(前置詞)→ We have worked on this project for three months
  • while: 〜している間に(接続詞)→ Please take notes while I explain the process

4. by / until

  • by: 〜までに(期限を強調)→ The report must be submitted by Friday
  • until: 〜まで(継続を強調)→ We will continue the discussion until we reach a conclusion



1. because / because of

  • because: 〜なので(接続詞)→ We canceled the event because it was raining heavily.
  • because of: 〜のために(前置詞句)→ We canceled the event because of the heavy rain.

2. although / despite / in spite of

  • although: 〜だけれども(接続詞)→ Although we faced challenges, we completed the project on time.
  • despite / in spite of: 〜にもかかわらず(前置詞)→ Despite the challenges, we completed the project on time.

3. so that / in order to / so as to

  • so that: 〜するために(接続詞)→ We adjusted the schedule so that everyone could attend.
  • in order to / so as to: 〜するために(不定詞を導く表現)→ We adjusted the schedule in order to accommodate everyone.

4. when / if

  • when: 〜するとき(時間)→ Please notify me when the shipment arrives.
  • if: もし〜なら(条件)→ Please notify me if you notice any problems.





  • Despite the delay, we completed the project.
  • Despite we were delayed, we completed the project. (文法的に誤り)


  • Although we were delayed, we completed the project.
  • Although the delay, we completed the project. (文法的に誤り)

要注意: いくつかの表現は前置詞句としても接続詞的にも使われます。

  • before (前置詞): Please review the document before the meeting.
  • before (接続詞): Please review the document before you attend the meeting.

5. ビジネスシーン別:前置詞・接続詞の活用例




件名: Re: Regarding the quarterly report

Dear Mr. Johnson,

Thank you for your email regarding the quarterly report. In response to your questions, I have prepared some additional information.

With reference to the sales figures, we have seen a 15% increase compared to the previous quarter. This is primarily due to the new marketing campaign. However, expenses have also increased by 8%. As a result, the overall profit margin remains at 22%.

Regarding your concerns about the eastern region, we have already taken steps to address the issues. During the last month, our team has been working closely with the regional manager. Although progress has been slow, we expect to see improvements by the end of this quarter.

Please let me know if you need any further information. I am available for a call on Thursday at 2 PM, should you wish to discuss this in more detail.

Best regards,
Sarah Johnson
Financial Analyst




Good morning, everyone. First of all, I’d like to thank you all for joining us today. During this presentation, I will be discussing our strategic plan for the next fiscal year.


To begin with, let’s look at our current market position. As you can see from this graph, we are currently ranked second in the industry. However, with the implementation of our new strategy, we aim to move into the lead position by the end of the year.

Next, I’ll explain the key initiatives in detail. First, we will invest in product development. Second, we will expand into new markets. Finally, we will strengthen partnerships with key distributors.

In terms of financial projections, we expect revenue to increase by 20% provided that all initiatives are implemented according to schedule. Despite initial costs, the ROI is projected to be substantial in the long term.


In conclusion, our strategy focuses on three key areas in order to achieve market leadership. If we execute effectively, we can expect significant growth by the end of the fiscal year. Before I take questions, I want to emphasize that success will depend on the commitment from all departments.




According to our agenda, we need to discuss the new product launch today. Before we start, does anyone have updates from last week’s meeting?”


In my opinion, we should postpone the launch until September because the market research indicates better timing. Moreover, this would give us more time for preparation.”


While I understand your concerns about timing, I believe we should proceed as planned. Otherwise, we might lose our competitive advantage.”


Based on today’s discussion, it seems we all agree on the main strategy although there are some differences regarding timing. Therefore, I suggest we proceed with the main plan but remain flexible about the exact launch date.”

6. TOEIC得点アップのための前置詞・接続詞学習法



  1. コロケーションとして覚える:単独ではなく、「動詞+前置詞」「形容詞+前置詞」のセットで覚えましょう。
    • depend on, interested in, responsible for, satisfied withなど
  2. 前置詞グループごとに整理する:似た意味を持つ前置詞をグループ化して比較学習しましょう。
    • 場所・位置:in, on, at, by, near, between, among…
    • 時間:at, in, on, during, for, since, by, until…
  3. イメージで理解する:前置詞が持つ基本的なイメージをつかみ、派生的な用法を理解しましょう。
    • “in”は「内部」というイメージから、場所(in Tokyo)、時間(in May)、状態(in trouble)などの用法につながります。
  4. 熟語表現をリスト化する:ビジネスでよく使われる前置詞を含む熟語表現をリストアップしましょう。


  1. 論理関係で整理する:接続詞が示す論理関係(追加、対比、原因、結果など)ごとに整理して覚えましょう。
  2. パラグラフライティングで練習する:短いパラグラフを書く際に、意識的に様々な接続詞を使って文と文をつなぐ練習をしましょう。
  3. 接続詞の強さを理解する:同じような意味でも、強調の度合いが異なる接続詞があります。
    • 追加:and < moreover < furthermore(強調の度合いが増す)
    • 対比:but < however < nevertheless(強調の度合いが増す)
  4. 前置詞句と接続詞の違いを明確にする:because と because of、although と despite のような混同しやすいペアの違いを理解しましょう。



  1. 熟語問題に注目する:「動詞+前置詞」の熟語表現は、TOEIC Part 5でよく出題されます。頻出熟語を優先的に覚えましょう。
  2. 前後の文脈を読み取る:接続詞問題では、前後の文の論理関係を読み取ることが重要です。対立関係なのか、因果関係なのかを見極めましょう。
  3. 文法的な違いを把握する:before, after, sinceなどは前置詞としても接続詞としても使われます。後に続く語句が名詞か節かで適切な用法を判断しましょう。
  4. 設問パターンを把握する:前置詞・接続詞に関するTOEIC問題のパターンを把握し、解法のコツをつかみましょう。
  5. 実践問題を解く:問題演習を通じて、実際の出題形式に慣れておきましょう。

7. ビジネス英語力を高める前置詞・接続詞活用のコツ




1. 模範例から学ぶ

  • ビジネスメールのテンプレートや優れたビジネス文書から、効果的な前置詞・接続詞の使い方を学びましょう。
  • 海外のビジネスニュースや企業のプレスリリースなどの英文を読み、使われている表現をメモしましょう。

2. 表現のバリエーションを増やす

  • 同じ意味でも、様々な表現方法を知っておくと、状況に応じた適切な表現が選べます。
  • 例: 「〜のために」→ for, to, in order to, so that, with the aim of など

3. 文書の種類に応じた使い分け

  • フォーマルな文書(契約書、提案書など)では、より正式な接続表現を使いましょう。
  • 例: so → therefore, but → however, also → furthermore など

4. 論理的な文章構成を意識する

  • 接続詞を適切に使うことで、文と文の関係が明確になり、論理的な文章が書けます。
  • 特に、因果関係(because, therefore)や対比関係(however, whereas)を示す接続詞の使い方をマスターしましょう。



ミス1: 不適切な前置詞の使用

  • 誤: We discussed about the new project. (discuss は他動詞なので前置詞不要)
  • 正: We discussed the new project.

ミス2: 前置詞と接続詞の混同

  • 誤: Despite we tried our best, we missed the deadline. (despite は前置詞なので後に節は不可)
  • 正: Although we tried our best, we missed the deadline.
  • 正: Despite our best efforts, we missed the deadline.

ミス3: 熟語表現の誤用

  • 誤: The manager is responsible of the new project. (誤った前置詞)
  • 正: The manager is responsible for the new project.

ミス4: 論理関係を示す接続詞の誤用

  • 誤: We need to reduce costs. Therefore, sales are declining. (因果関係が逆)
  • 正: Sales are declining. Therefore, we need to reduce costs.

8. 今日から始める前置詞・接続詞マスターのためのアクション


  1. 熟語リストを作成する:ビジネスでよく使う前置詞を含む熟語表現をリストアップし、毎日5つずつ覚えるようにしましょう。例えば、agree with, depend on, apply for, result in などです。
  2. 接続詞マップを作る:接続詞を論理関係ごとに分類したマインドマップを作り、同じ機能を持つ接続詞のバリエーションを把握しましょう。追加、対比、原因、結果などのカテゴリーごとに整理すると効果的です。
  3. リライト練習をする:自分が書いた英文メールやレポートを見直し、単調な接続詞(and, but, soなど)をより精確で多様な表現に書き換える練習をしましょう。



