定型表現を覚える(例:In my opinion, / I think that / For example, など)
6. 実際の出題例と解答例
問題: Do you think students should wear school uniforms? Give your opinion. (生徒は学校で制服を着るべきだと思いますか?あなたの意見を述べなさい。)
I think students should wear school uniforms. First, uniforms make all students equal. No one can show off expensive clothes, so students feel comfortable. Second, uniforms help us save time in the morning because we don’t need to choose what to wear. Finally, uniforms create school identity. When I wear my uniform, I feel proud of my school. For these reasons, I support school uniforms.
基本的な接続詞(first, second, finally)を使って文章の流れを整えています
問題: Which do you prefer, studying alone or studying in a group? Write your opinion. (一人で勉強することとグループで勉強することのどちらが好きですか?あなたの意見を書きなさい。)
I prefer studying alone because it helps me concentrate better. When I study by myself, I can focus on difficult subjects without being distracted by others. For example, I always study math alone in my room, and I can solve problems faster. Also, I can make my own study schedule and take breaks when I need them. However, group study is good for discussing ideas. In conclusion, studying alone works best for me.
If you accept our proposal, we will deliver the products by next month. (ご提案をお受けいただければ、来月までに製品をお届けします)
If + 過去形, would + 動詞
If we reduced the price, would you consider increasing the order volume? (価格を下げた場合、注文量を増やすことをご検討いただけますか)
If + 過去完了形, would have + 過去分詞
If we had known about your requirements earlier, we would have prepared a different proposal. (あなたの要件を早く知っていれば、別の提案を準備していたでしょう)
Unless we receive your payment by Friday, we cannot proceed with the shipment. (金曜日までにお支払いいただかない限り、出荷を進めることができません)
Although/Though/Even though: Although we usually require full payment in advance, we can make an exception in your case. (通常は前払いを要求していますが、あなたの場合は例外を設けることができます)
Despite/In spite of: Despite the tight deadline, we are willing to take on this project. (納期が厳しいにもかかわらず、このプロジェクトを引き受ける用意があります)
However: We understand your budget constraints. However, we cannot reduce the price any further. (予算の制約はわかります。しかし、これ以上の値下げはできません)
Would you consider + 動名詞: Would you consider extending the payment terms to 60 days? (支払い条件を60日に延長することをご検討いただけますか)
Would it be possible to + 動詞: Would it be possible to schedule a follow-up meeting next week? (来週フォローアップミーティングを設定することは可能でしょうか)
I was wondering if + 文: I was wondering if we could discuss the delivery schedule in more detail. (納期スケジュールについてもう少し詳しく話し合えればと思っています)
We would appreciate it if + 文: We would appreciate it if you could reconsider our proposal. (提案を再考いただければ幸いです)
I understand your position, but…: I understand your position, but we have some concerns about the timeline. (ご立場は理解していますが、スケジュールについて懸念があります)
I see your point, however…: I see your point, however, we need to consider the impact on quality. (ご指摘はわかりますが、品質への影響を考慮する必要があります)
I’m afraid we cannot agree to…: I’m afraid we cannot agree to these terms as they stand. (申し訳ありませんが、現状のこれらの条件には同意できません)
While I appreciate…, I must point out that…: While I appreciate your offer, I must point out that it doesn’t address our main concern. (オファーには感謝しますが、当社の主要な懸念事項に対応していないことを指摘しなければなりません)
Buyer:The price you’re offering seems quite high compared to what we’ve seen from other suppliers. (ご提示の価格は、他のサプライヤーから見積もられた価格と比べてかなり高いように思います)
Seller:I understand your concern about the price. However, our product offers superior quality and durability that will save you money in the long run. Additionally, we include comprehensive after-sales service. (価格についてのご懸念は理解しています。しかし、当社の製品は長期的にはお金を節約できる優れた品質と耐久性を提供しています。さらに、包括的なアフターサービスも含まれています)
Buyer:I appreciate the quality aspect, but our budget for this project is limited. Is there any way you could offer a discount if we increase the order quantity? (品質面は評価しますが、このプロジェクトの予算には限りがあります。注文数量を増やした場合、割引を提供していただくことは可能でしょうか)
Seller:Yes, we could certainly consider a volume discount. If you increase your order by 20%, we could offer a 10% reduction in the unit price. (はい、数量割引を検討することは可能です。注文を20%増やしていただければ、単価を10%引き下げることができます)
Client:We’ve reviewed the contract, and we’re concerned about the payment terms. Net 30 days is too short for our accounting process. (契約書を確認しましたが、支払い条件について懸念があります。30日以内の支払いは当社の経理処理にとって短すぎます)
Service Provider:I see. What payment terms would work better for your company? (なるほど。どのような支払い条件が御社に適していますか)
Client:We typically work with Net 60 days for all our vendors. (通常、すべてのベンダーに対して60日以内の支払い条件で取引しています)
Service Provider:Net 60 would be challenging for us. However, we could agree to Net 45 days if you could commit to a minimum 12-month contract instead of the proposed 6 months. (60日は当社にとって厳しいです。ただし、提案されている6ヶ月ではなく、最低12ヶ月の契約にコミットしていただければ、45日以内の支払い条件に同意できます)
Customer:According to your proposal, delivery would take 8 weeks, but we need these items by the end of next month for a major event. (ご提案によると納期は8週間とのことですが、来月末の主要イベントまでにこれらの品目が必要です)
Supplier:I understand the urgency of your situation. While our standard production time is indeed 8 weeks, we might be able to expedite the process. (状況の緊急性は理解しています。当社の標準製造時間は確かに8週間ですが、プロセスを迅速化できる可能性はあります)
Customer:That would be greatly appreciated. What would be the earliest possible delivery date? (それは大変ありがたいです。最短での納期はいつになりますか)
Supplier:We could possibly deliver within 6 weeks, but there would be a 15% expediting fee. Alternatively, we could ship the items in two batches – 50% in 5 weeks and the remaining 50% in 8 weeks at no additional cost. (15%の特急料金で6週間以内に納品することは可能です。あるいは、追加費用なしで5週間で50%、8週間で残りの50%の2回に分けて出荷することもできます)
問題例1: (Part 5 穴埋め問題) The sales team is willing to _____ on the price if the customer agrees to a three-year service contract. (A) compromise (B) compensate (C) compete (D) complicate
問題例2: (Part 5 穴埋め問題) _____ we receive your signed agreement by Friday, we will be able to begin work on the project next week. (A) However (B) Unless (C) Provided that (D) Despite
From: j.peterson@rexontech.com To: m.suzuki@nichibon.co.jp Subject: Re: Contract Terms Negotiation
Dear Mr. Suzuki,
Thank you for your prompt response to our proposal. I understand your concerns regarding the payment schedule. While our standard terms are 30 days, we are willing to extend the payment period to 45 days as a gesture of goodwill. However, we would need to maintain the minimum order quantity as specified in the original agreement.
Regarding the warranty period, if you could commit to a two-year contract instead of one year, we would be able to extend the warranty from 12 to 18 months.
Please let me know if these adjustments would work for your company. I’m confident that we can reach an agreement that benefits both our organizations.
Best regards, James Peterson Account Manager Rexon Technologies
質問: What is the main purpose of this email? (A) To reject the client’s request (B) To propose alternative terms (C) To terminate negotiations (D) To confirm a final agreement
解説: このメールは、クライアントの懸念に対応し、代替条件を提案しています。支払い期間を30日から45日に延長し、2年契約へのコミットメントと引き換えに保証期間を延長することを提案しています。よって正解は (B) To propose alternative terms です。
Q1. What kind of job is the interview for? A) A restaurant waiter B) A barista at a café C) A cashier at a supermarket D) A hotel receptionist
Q2. What experience does the applicant have? A) Working at a bakery B) Working as a waiter at a restaurant C) Working as a barista D) Working as a cashier at a convenience store
Q3. What are the main tasks of this job? A) Taking orders, making drinks, and handling cash B) Cooking meals and serving food C) Cleaning tables and washing dishes D) Delivering food to customers
Q4. When is the applicant available to work? A) Only on weekdays B) Only on Sundays C) Only on Saturdays D) On both Saturdays and Sundays
📝 答え合わせをして、しっかり理解しましょう!
✅ Q1. 正解: B) A barista at a café 👉 「Hi, welcome to Sunny Café! Are you here for the part-time job interview?」とあるので、カフェの仕事と分かる。Aの「restaurant」やCの「supermarket」は引っかけ。
✅ Q2. 正解: B) Working as a waiter at a restaurant 👉 「I have experience working at a restaurant as a waiter.」と話している。Cの「barista」やDの「cashier」は仕事に関連するが不正解。
✅ Q3. 正解: A) Taking orders, making drinks, and handling cash 👉 「This job requires taking orders, making drinks, and handling cash.」と店長が説明している。Bの「cooking meals」はレストランの仕事で、引っかけ要素。
✅ Q4. 正解: C) Only on Saturdays 👉 「I can work on Saturdays, but I have classes on Sundays.」と話している。Dの「both Saturdays and Sundays」は引っかけ選択肢。
(A: 店長, B: 応募者)
A: Hi, welcome to Sunny Café! Are you here for the part-time job interview? B: Yes, I saw the job ad and I’m really interested. A: Great! Have you ever worked at a café before? B: No, but I have experience working at a restaurant as a waiter. A: That’s good. This job requires taking orders, making drinks, and handling cash. Do you think you can manage that? B: Yes, I’m good at multitasking, and I learn quickly. A: Perfect! We need someone who can work on weekends. Are you available then? B: I can work on Saturdays, but I have classes on Sundays. A: That’s fine. We mostly need help on Saturdays. When can you start? B: I can start next week! A: Excellent. We’ll give you a call soon. Thanks for coming today! B: Thank you!
英検2級のリスニングでは、日常会話を理解し、適切な選択肢を選ぶ力が求められます。今回は「道案内(Asking for Directions)」に関するリスニング問題を用意しました。今回は少し難易度を上げ、会話中に出てきた単語が不正解の選択肢にも含まれるように工夫しています。設問を確認しながら、実践的なトレーニングをしましょう!
💡 会話を聞いて、以下の質問に答えてみましょう。
Q1. Where is Green Café located? A) Next to the bank B) Next to the supermarket C) Across from the supermarket D) In front of the bank
Q2. Which direction should the tourist turn at the bank? A) Right B) Left C) Go straight D) Turn around
Q3. What landmark is mentioned as a reference point? A) A school B) A supermarket C) A post office D) A library
Q4. What mistake did the tourist almost make? A) Turning right instead of left B) Going to the wrong café C) Taking the wrong bus D) Asking the wrong person
📝 答え合わせをして、しっかり理解しましょう!
✅ Q1. 正解: B) Next to the supermarket 👉 「The café is next to the supermarket.」と言っている。Aの「bank」は引っかけ選択肢。
✅ Q2. 正解: B) Left 👉 「Turn left at the bank.」と指示している。Aの「Right」は観光客の誤解を利用した引っかけ。
✅ Q3. 正解: B) A supermarket 👉 「The supermarket will be on your right.」と出てくる。Aの「school」やDの「library」は不正解だが、紛らわしい要素として追加。
✅ Q4. 正解: A) Turning right instead of left 👉 「Okay, so I go straight and turn right at the bank?」と間違えそうになっているシーンがある。
(A: 観光客, B: 通行人)
A: Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to Green Café? B: Sure! Go straight for two blocks and turn left at the bank. The café is next to the supermarket. A: Okay, so I go straight and turn right at the bank? B: No, turn left at the bank. The supermarket will be on your right. A: Got it! So, Green Café is next to the supermarket, right? B: Yes, that’s right! A: Thank you so much! B: You’re welcome!
❌ I like English. It is useful. I study every day.
⭕ I like English because it is useful for my future. Therefore, I study it every day.
✅ 設問に対して適切に答えているか
✅ 具体例は説得力があるか
❌ Technology is very important for education.
⭕ Technology plays a crucial role in education. For instance, online learning platforms allow students to access educational materials anytime and anywhere.
✅ 時制の一貫性
✅ 主語と動詞の一致
集合名詞(people, familyなど)の扱いに注意
✅ 冠詞の使用
❌ Student uses smartphone for study. It have many advantage.
⭕ Students use smartphones for studying. They have many advantages.
I think Internet is very good for education. Because student can study many thing. For example, youtube and online class. but some people think Internet is bad because student play game and watch video. I agree Internet is good tool.
“Internet” → “the Internet”(冠詞)
“student” → “students”(複数形)
“many thing” → “many things”(複数形)
“Because…” → 文頭のBecauseは不適切
“but” → 文頭の小文字
文の完全性:”For example, youtube and online class.”は不完全な文
I believe the Internet is beneficial for education for several reasons. First, students can access a wide variety of learning materials online. For example, they can watch educational videos on YouTube or take online classes from prestigious universities.
However, some people argue that the Internet can be distracting because students may spend too much time playing games or watching non-educational videos. While this concern is valid, I think proper guidance can help students use the Internet responsibly.
In conclusion, the Internet is a valuable educational tool when used appropriately.
要約・結論:in conclusion, to summarize, in brief, in short
6. 速読トレーニング方法
1. タイムトライアル読解
2. チャンク読み練習
例:The annual report / has been distributed / to all shareholders / via email.
3. キーワードピックアップ
4. 1分間多読チャレンジ
1. 問題タイプ別演習
2. 時間制限付き模擬テスト
実際のTOEIC Part7と同じ時間配分(約20分)で問題を解き、時間感覚を養う。
3. 複数文書問題特化練習
4. スキミング・スキャニング集中練習
7. 実践問題で速読術を身につける
MEMOTo: All Marketing Department Staff From: Sarah Johnson, Marketing Director Date: May 15, 2023 Subject: Quarterly Marketing Meeting – Schedule Change
Please be advised that our quarterly marketing meeting, originally scheduled for Friday, May 19 at 2:00 PM, has been rescheduled to Wednesday, May 24 at 10:00 AM. The meeting will still take place in Conference Room A.
The change is necessary to accommodate the visit of our overseas clients from Tanaka Corporation. We expect them to join the latter half of our meeting to discuss the international marketing campaign for our new product line.
All team leaders should prepare 5-minute presentations on their current projects. Please send your presentation files to Jennifer by Monday, May 22 for compilation.
If you have any scheduling conflicts, please notify your team leader by the end of today.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
質問1: What is the purpose of this memo? (A) To request project updates from team leaders (B) To announce a visitor from an overseas company (C) To inform staff of a change in meeting schedule (D) To introduce a new international marketing campaign
質問2: When should presentation files be submitted? (A) By the end of today (B) By Friday, May 19 (C) By Monday, May 22 (D) By Wednesday, May 24
質問3: What is NOT mentioned as a reason for the schedule change? (A) Availability of Conference Room A (B) Visit from overseas clients (C) Discussion of a marketing campaign (D) Accommodation of Tanaka Corporation
解答と解説: 質問1: (C) 文書の主題(Subject)と最初の段落から、会議のスケジュール変更を通知することが主な目的だとわかります。 質問2: (C) 3つ目の段落に “Please send your presentation files to Jennifer by Monday, May 22” とあります。 質問3: (A) 会議室Aは変更されていないことは言及されていますが、スケジュール変更の理由としては言及されていません。
EMAILTo: procurement@greentech.com From: david.miller@officesupplies.com Date: September 10, 2023 Subject: Quote for Office Furniture Order
Dear GreenTech Procurement Team,
Thank you for your inquiry regarding office furniture for your new branch location. As requested, I am pleased to provide a quote for the items you specified in your requirements.
Our package includes:
25 ergonomic office chairs (model EC-200) – $350 each
20 adjustable desks (model AD-100) – $420 each
5 conference room tables (model CT-50) – $600 each
40 filing cabinets (model FC-30) – $150 each
The total quote amounts to $29,750 excluding delivery and installation. Delivery and installation will be an additional $1,500. Please note that we are currently offering a 5% discount for orders over $25,000 if payment is made within 30 days of delivery.
The estimated delivery time is 3-4 weeks from order confirmation. If you would like to proceed, please complete and return the attached order form.
Please let me know if you have any questions or require any modifications to this quote.
Best regards, David Miller Account Manager Office Supplies Pro
EMAILTo: david.miller@officesupplies.com From: john.baker@greentech.com Date: September 12, 2023 Subject: RE: Quote for Office Furniture Order
Dear Mr. Miller,
Thank you for your prompt response and the detailed quote. After reviewing it with our management team, we would like to proceed with most of the items, but we need to make a few adjustments to our order:
We would like to reduce the number of ergonomic chairs to 20 units.
We would like to increase the adjustable desks to 25 units.
The number of filing cabinets can be reduced to 30 units.
We will keep the 5 conference room tables as quoted.
Could you please provide us with an updated quote reflecting these changes? Also, could you clarify if the 5% discount would still apply with these modifications?
Additionally, we are working on a tight schedule and would need the furniture delivered and installed by October 15 at the latest. Is this timeframe feasible?
Thank you for your assistance.
Best regards, John Baker Procurement Manager GreenTech Inc.
EMAILTo: john.baker@greentech.com From: david.miller@officesupplies.com Date: September 13, 2023 Subject: RE: Quote for Office Furniture Order
Dear Mr. Baker,
Thank you for your response. I have updated the quote based on your requested modifications:
30 filing cabinets (model FC-30) – $150 each = $4,500
The revised total comes to $25,000 excluding delivery and installation ($1,500). The 5% discount would still apply as the order exceeds the $25,000 threshold. With the discount, your final price would be $25,175 including delivery and installation.
Regarding your delivery timeline, we can expedite the order to ensure delivery by October 15. However, this would require a rush processing fee of $800. Please let me know if this is acceptable.
I have attached a revised order form for your convenience. If the terms are agreeable, please sign and return it at your earliest convenience to secure the delivery date.
Best regards, David Miller Account Manager Office Supplies Pro
質問1: What was the original total price of the order before any changes were made? (A) $25,000 (B) $25,175 (C) $29,750 (D) $31,250
質問2: What change did GreenTech make to their order? (A) They reduced the number of conference tables. (B) They increased the number of adjustable desks. (C) They requested a different model of office chair. (D) They added more filing cabinets.
質問3: What additional cost will GreenTech incur to meet their delivery deadline? (A) $800 (B) $1,500 (C) $1,250 (D) $2,300
質問4: What is the final price of the order including all fees and discounts? (A) $25,000 (B) $25,175 (C) $25,975 (D) $26,500
質問5: When does GreenTech need the furniture delivered by? (A) September 10 (B) September 30 (C) October 15 (D) 3-4 weeks after order confirmation
解答と解説: 質問1: (C) 文書1に「The total quote amounts to $29,750 excluding delivery and installation」とあります。 質問2: (B) 文書2に「We would like to increase the adjustable desks to 25 units」とあり、当初は20台だったものを25台に増やしています。 質問3: (A) 文書3に「this would require a rush processing fee of $800」とあります。 質問4: (C) 基本価格$25,000 + 配送設置費$1,500 – 5%割引($25,000 × 0.05 = $1,250) + 急ぎ料金$800 = $25,975となります。 質問5: (C) 文書2に「would need the furniture delivered and installed by October 15 at the latest」とあります。
問題:Do you think artificial intelligence (AI) will have a positive impact on society? (AI(人工知能)は社会にポジティブな影響を与えると思いますか?)
Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly developing and changing our society in various ways. I believe AI will have both positive and negative impacts, but overall its influence will be beneficial.
First, AI can enhance productivity in many fields. For example, in healthcare, AI can analyze medical data more quickly and accurately than humans, helping doctors make better diagnoses. In transportation, self-driving cars may reduce accidents caused by human error.
Second, AI can solve complex problems that humans struggle with. Climate change models using AI can help us understand environmental issues better and develop effective solutions.
However, there are legitimate concerns about AI replacing human jobs and creating unemployment. Also, ethical questions about privacy and decision-making need careful consideration.
In conclusion, while we must address these challenges, AI's potential to improve efficiency, healthcare, and solve global problems suggests it will ultimately benefit society if properly regulated.
問題:Is it important for young people to learn about traditional culture? (若者が伝統文化について学ぶことは重要ですか?)
Learning about traditional culture is extremely important for young people in today's rapidly changing world. I strongly support this idea for several reasons.
Firstly, understanding traditional culture provides young people with a sense of identity and belonging. By learning about their cultural roots, they can better understand who they are and where they come from. This knowledge forms the foundation of their personal identity.
Secondly, traditional culture contains valuable wisdom accumulated over generations. Ancient practices in areas such as agriculture, medicine, and conflict resolution often offer sustainable and tested solutions that remain relevant today.
Finally, cultural knowledge enhances communication between generations. When young people appreciate traditional customs, they can connect more meaningfully with older generations, bridging the generational gap.
In conclusion, learning about traditional culture enriches young people's lives by providing identity, wisdom, and intergenerational connections, all of which are essential in our modern society.
4. 実践演習
テクノロジーテーマ:Do smartphones help or harm students’ education? (スマートフォンは学生の教育に役立つか害を与えるか?)
文化テーマ:How does learning a foreign language benefit young people? (外国語を学ぶことは若者にどのような利益をもたらすか?)
Q1. What is the customer looking for? A) A pair of jeans B) A jacket C) A sweater D) A T-shirt
Q2. What sizes does the customer want to try? A) Small and medium B) Medium and large C) Large and extra-large D) Small and extra-large
Q3. What color does the customer prefer? A) Blue B) Green C) Black D) Red
Q4. Where is the fitting room? A) Next to the entrance B) Near the shoes section C) Over there D) Behind the counter
📝 答え合わせをして、しっかり理解しましょう!
✅ Q1. 正解: B) A jacket 👉 客は「I’m looking for a jacket.」と言っている。
✅ Q2. 正解: B) Medium and large 👉 「I want to try both medium and large.」と話している。
✅ Q3. 正解: C) Black 👉 「Do you have this in black instead of blue?」と色を変更希望している。
✅ Q4. 正解: C) Over there 👉 店員は「It’s right over there.」と案内している。
(A: 店員, B: 客)
A: Hello! How can I help you today? B: Hi, I’m looking for a jacket. A: Sure! What size do you need? B: I usually wear a medium, but I want to try both medium and large. A: No problem. We have this jacket in medium and large. Here you go. B: Thanks! Oh, do you have this in black instead of blue? A: Yes, we do! Let me get it for you. Here you go. B: Great! I’ll try both on. Where’s the fitting room? A: It’s right over there. B: Thanks!
問題文例: Some cities are banning single-use plastic items like shopping bags and straws. Do you think this is a good idea? Write your opinion in 80-100 words.
I strongly support banning single-use plastic items. These bans are necessary steps to address our serious plastic pollution problem.
First, plastic waste is devastating marine ecosystems, with millions of tons entering our oceans annually. Banning single-use items directly reduces this pollution. Second, these bans encourage both consumers and businesses to adopt sustainable alternatives like reusable bags and biodegradable straws, which are becoming increasingly available and affordable.
While these bans may cause some short-term inconvenience, the environmental benefits far outweigh this drawback. By implementing these restrictions, cities are taking meaningful action toward creating a cleaner, more sustainable future for everyone.
While I support reducing plastic waste, I believe complete bans on single-use plastics should be implemented gradually rather than immediately.
Sudden bans can create difficulties for businesses and consumers who rely on these products. Instead, a phased approach would allow time for affordable alternatives to become widely available. Additionally, some people with disabilities need plastic straws, so exceptions should be considered.
A more effective approach would combine reasonable regulations with education campaigns and incentives for eco-friendly alternatives. This balanced strategy would reduce plastic pollution while ensuring a smooth transition for everyone. In conclusion, addressing plastic waste requires thoughtful policies that consider both environmental and social needs.
問題文例: Many countries are facing an aging population. What do you think is the biggest challenge this creates, and how can it be addressed? Write your opinion in 80-100 words.
I believe the biggest challenge of an aging population is maintaining adequate healthcare and pension systems while having fewer working-age people to support them.
This demographic shift creates financial pressure as fewer workers must support more retirees. To address this issue, governments should implement multiple strategies. First, encouraging older people to work longer by creating flexible employment opportunities would utilize their experience while reducing pension costs. Second, investing in healthcare technology and preventive medicine could reduce overall healthcare expenses.
Additionally, countries could gradually adjust immigration policies to welcome skilled workers. By combining these approaches, societies can better manage the economic challenges of an aging population while respecting seniors’ dignity.
問題文例: Do you think all countries should move quickly to replace fossil fuels with renewable energy? Write your opinion in 80-100 words.
I believe all countries should transition to renewable energy, but the pace should vary based on each country’s economic situation and energy needs.
Wealthy nations with advanced technology should move quickly to renewable sources like solar and wind power, as they have the resources to manage this transition. However, developing countries face greater challenges, as they often rely heavily on fossil fuels for economic growth and may lack funding for new infrastructure.
International cooperation is essential, with developed countries providing financial and technological support to help developing nations adopt clean energy. This balanced approach would reduce global carbon emissions while recognizing different national circumstances and ensuring energy access for all.