今回は「友人との約束(Making Plans with Friends)」に関するリスニング問題を用意しました。週末の予定を相談するシーンを通して、スケジュール調整や予定の確認に必要な英語表現を学びましょう!
💡 会話を聞いて、以下の質問に答えてみましょう。
Q1. What does Jake want to do this weekend? A) Go to a concert B) Watch a movie C) Go shopping D) Have dinner with family
Q2. Why can’t Sarah go on Saturday? A) She has a work meeting B) She is traveling C) She has dinner plans with her family D) She has a soccer match
Q3. When will they go to the movie? A) Saturday at 7 PM B) Sunday afternoon C) Sunday at 7 PM D) Sunday morning
Q4. What will Sarah do before the movie? A) Play soccer B) Have lunch with friends C) Go shopping D) Work at a café
📝 答え合わせをして、しっかり理解しましょう!
✅ Q1. 正解: B) Watch a movie 👉 「I was thinking about watching a new movie.」と話している。AやCの選択肢は一般的な週末の活動を利用した引っかけ。
✅ Q2. 正解: C) She has dinner plans with her family 👉 「That sounds fun, but I already have dinner plans with my family on Saturday.」と話している。AやBはありそうな予定の引っかけ。
✅ Q3. 正解: C) Sunday at 7 PM 👉 「Great! Let’s go to the 7 PM show.」と話している。AやBの選択肢は日付や時間を変えた引っかけ。
✅ Q4. 正解: A) Play soccer 👉 「I have a soccer match in the afternoon.」と話している。BやCの選択肢はありそうな週末の予定での引っかけ。
(A: 友人1(Jake), B: 友人2(Sarah))
A: Hey, Sarah. Do you have any plans for this weekend? B: Hi, Jake. Not really. Why? A: I was thinking about watching a new movie. It’s playing at the downtown cinema. Want to join? B: That sounds fun, but I already have dinner plans with my family on Saturday. How about Sunday? A: I have a soccer match in the afternoon, but I’m free in the evening. B: Great! Let’s go to the 7 PM show. A: Perfect! Should we buy tickets in advance? B: Yeah, just in case it sells out. I’ll book them online. A: Awesome. See you on Sunday!
設問:What is your favorite subject at school? Why do you like it? (あなたの好きな学校の科目は何ですか?なぜそれが好きですか?)
My favorite subject is science because I can learn about the natural world through interesting experiments. For example, last month, we created a small volcano in class, which was exciting. I also enjoy understanding how things work, such as why seasons change or how plants grow. Science helps me answer many questions I have about our world.
「For example」を使って具体例(火山の実験)を挙げている
設問:Do you think playing sports is important for students? Why or why not? (スポーツをすることは学生にとって重要だと思いますか?なぜそう思うまたはそう思わないのですか?)
I believe playing sports is very important for students for two reasons. First, regular exercise keeps us healthy and helps prevent lifestyle diseases. Second, team sports teach us valuable skills such as cooperation and communication. In my case, joining the basketball team has improved not only my physical strength but also my ability to work with others.
第1文で明確に立場を示し、「for two reasons」と理由が2つあることを予告している
「In my case」で個人的な経験を挙げている
「not only…but also…」という表現を使って文を豊かにしている
設問:What can young people do to protect the environment? (若者は環境保護のために何ができますか?)
Young people can do several things to protect the environment. We can reduce waste by using reusable bags and bottles instead of disposable ones. Additionally, we can save energy by turning off lights when leaving rooms. At my school, we started a recycling program where students collect plastic bottles and paper. These small actions may seem minor, but together they make a big difference.
具体的な行動例を複数挙げている(reusable bags/bottles、turn off lights)
設問:Do you think smartphones are good for students? Why or why not? (スマートフォンは学生にとって良いものだと思いますか?なぜそう思うまたはそう思わないのですか?)
I think smartphones are good for students if used properly. They allow us to access useful information anytime and help us communicate with classmates about homework. However, they can be distracting during study time. To solve this problem, I set specific times for using my phone and turn it off when studying. With good self-control, smartphones can be beneficial tools.
Q1. What problem does the traveler have? A) She lost her luggage B) Her hotel reservation cannot be found C) She arrived at the wrong hotel D) Her flight was delayed
Q2. What mistake did the traveler make? A) She booked the wrong hotel B) She booked a room for the wrong dates C) She forgot to book a hotel D) She paid but did not receive a confirmation
Q3. What solution does the hotel staff offer? A) A standard room at the original price B) A suite at a higher price C) A refund for the reservation mistake D) A room at a different hotel
Q4. How much does the available room cost? A) $120 B) $150 C) $180 D) $200
📝 答え合わせをして、しっかり理解しましょう!
✅ Q1. 正解: B) Her hotel reservation cannot be found 👉 「I’m sorry, but I don’t see any reservation under that name.」とスタッフが言っている。AやDは旅行中のよくあるトラブルを利用した引っかけ。
✅ Q2. 正解: B) She booked a room for the wrong dates 👉 「Your reservation was made for next weekend, not today.」とスタッフが説明している。AやDは似たトラブルの引っかけ。
✅ Q3. 正解: B) A suite at a higher price 👉 「We do have one last room available. However, it’s a suite, so the price is higher than a standard room.」と説明している。AやDは間違った対応の引っかけ。
✅ Q4. 正解: C) $180 👉 「It’s $180 per night.」とスタッフが説明している。AやBはよくある価格の引っかけ。
(A: フロントスタッフ, B: 旅行客(Sarah Johnson))
A: Good evening, ma’am. Welcome to the Grand View Hotel. How can I help you? B: Hi, I have a reservation under the name of Sarah Johnson. A: Let me check… Hmm, I’m sorry, but I don’t see any reservation under that name. B: That’s strange. I booked a room online last week, and I even got a confirmation email. A: I understand. Do you have the confirmation number with you? B: Yes, here it is. A: Thank you. Oh, I see the problem. Your reservation was made for next weekend, not today. B: Oh no! Is there any way I can get a room for tonight? A: Let me check… We are almost fully booked, but we do have one last room available. However, it’s a suite, so the price is higher than a standard room. B: I see… How much is it? A: It’s $180 per night. B: That’s more than I planned, but I don’t have another option. I’ll take it. A: Alright, I’ll book it for you now.
テーマ: Do you think it is important to learn English? Why? (英語を学ぶことは重要だと思いますか?なぜですか?)
I think learning English is very important. Because we can communicate with people from other countries. And when I travel foreign countries, I can talk with local people. Also, I can enjoy foreign movies without Japanese subtitles. English is used in many situation in the world, so I want to study hard.
ステップ1:時間を置く (数時間後または翌日に見直します)
読みにくい部分:「Because we can…」(文が途切れている感じがする)
不自然に感じる表現:「travel foreign countries」(前置詞が抜けている)
「Because we can…」は接続詞で文が始まっている
「travel foreign countries」に前置詞 to が必要
「in many situation」は単数形になっているが、複数形が適切
I think learning English is very important because we can communicate with people from other countries. When I travel to foreign countries, I can talk with local people. Also, I can enjoy foreign movies without Japanese subtitles. English is used in many situations in the world, so I want to study hard.
I think learning English is very important because we can communicate with people from other countries. When I travel to foreign countries, I can talk with local people. Also, I can enjoy foreign movies without Japanese subtitles. English is used in many situations in the world, so I want to study hard.
7. よくある英作文の問題点と改善方法
1. 冗長な表現
I think that in my opinion English is a very very important language to learn for students.
I think English is a very important language for students to learn.
「I think that in my opinion」のような重複表現を避ける
「very very」のような不必要な重複を避ける
2. 日本語の発想をそのまま英語にしている
I with my family to Kyoto went and famous temple saw.
I went to Kyoto with my family and saw a famous temple.
3. 具体例が曖昧
I think sports are important. Sports are good for health. They make us strong.
I think sports are important. Playing sports regularly improves our health. For example, since I started playing basketball three times a week, I have become stronger and rarely catch colds.
「For example」「For instance」などを使って具体例を導入する
4. 接続詞の不適切な使用
I like summer. Because I can swim in the sea. And I can eat ice cream.
I like summer because I can swim in the sea. Also, I can eat ice cream.
今回は「イベント・コンサート参加(Attending an Event)」に関するリスニング問題を用意しました。コンサートのチケット購入時のやり取りを通じて、実用的な英語表現を学びましょう!
💡 会話を聞いて、以下の質問に答えてみましょう。
Q1. What event is the customer buying a ticket for? A) A sports game B) A concert C) A movie D) A theater play
Q2. Which seating section does the customer choose? A) Front section B) Middle section C) Back section D) VIP section
Q3. How much is the ticket? A) $30 B) $40 C) $50 D) $60
Q4. When does the concert start? A) 6 PM B) 7 PM C) 7:30 PM D) 8 PM
📝 答え合わせをして、しっかり理解しましょう!
✅ Q1. 正解: B) A concert 👉 「I’d like to buy a ticket for the concert tomorrow.」と話している。AやCの選択肢は他のイベントを利用した引っかけ。
✅ Q2. 正解: B) Middle section 👉 「I’d like a seat in the middle section, please.」と選んでいる。AやDの選択肢はよくある座席の種類を利用した引っかけ。
✅ Q3. 正解: C) $50 👉 「That will be $50.」と販売員が伝えている。AやBは近い価格での引っかけ。
✅ Q4. 正解: B) 7 PM 👉 「The concert starts at 7 PM.」と説明している。CやDは一般的な開演時間を利用した引っかけ。
(A: チケット販売員, B: 客)
A: Hello! How can I help you? B: Hi, I’d like to buy a ticket for the concert tomorrow. A: Sure! Do you prefer a seat in the front or the middle section? B: I’d like a seat in the middle section, please. A: Okay. That will be $50. How would you like to pay? B: Can I pay by credit card? A: Yes, of course. Here’s your ticket. The concert starts at 7 PM. Please arrive 30 minutes early. B: Got it. Thank you! A: Enjoy the show!