ブログ 英検対策 英検2級リスニング対策

【英検2級リスニング対策 #16】薬局で虫刺されの軟膏を買う(Buying an Ointment for Insect Bites at a Pharmacy)



今回は「薬局で虫刺されの軟膏を買う(Buying an Ointment for Insect Bites at a Pharmacy)」に関するリスニング問題を用意しました。旅行中に虫刺されの薬を購入するシーンを通して、薬の選び方や使い方を尋ねる英語表現を学びましょう!


💡 会話を聞いて、以下の質問に答えてみましょう。

Q1. Why does the customer need medicine?
A) She has a headache
B) She got bitten by mosquitoes
C) She has a stomachache
D) She has a rash from the sun

Q2. What type of medicine does the customer choose?
A) A pill
B) A spray
C) A cream
D) A lotion

Q3. How often should the medicine be applied?
A) Once a day
B) Twice or three times a day
C) Every hour
D) Only before bed

Q4. How much does the ointment cost?
A) $10.00
B) $12.50
C) $15.00
D) $20.00


📝 答え合わせをして、しっかり理解しましょう!

✅ Q1. 正解: B) They got bitten by mosquitoes
👉 「I got bitten by mosquitoes, and my skin is really itchy.」と説明している。AやCの選択肢は別の症状の引っかけ。

✅ Q2. 正解: C) A cream
👉 「I think a cream would be better.」と話している。BやDの選択肢は似た製品の引っかけ。

✅ Q3. 正解: B) Twice or three times a day
👉 「Apply a small amount to the affected area two to three times a day.」と説明している。AやCの選択肢は異なる使用頻度の引っかけ。

✅ Q4. 正解: B) $12.50
👉 「It’s $12.50.」と説明している。AやCの選択肢はありそうな価格での引っかけ。


(A: 薬剤師, B: 旅行客)

A: Hello! How can I help you today?
B: Hi, I got bitten by mosquitoes, and my skin is really itchy. Do you have something for that?
A: Yes, we have some ointments for insect bites. Do you prefer a cream or a spray?
B: I think a cream would be better.
A: Okay, this one works well for itching and swelling. It contains antihistamines.
B: That sounds good. How often should I apply it?
A: Apply a small amount to the affected area two to three times a day.
B: Got it. How much is it?
A: It’s $12.50.
B: Okay, I’ll take it.
A: Great! Let me ring that up for you.



