ブログ 英検対策 英検2級リスニング対策

【英検2級リスニング対策 #15】友人との約束(Making Plans with Friends)



今回は「友人との約束(Making Plans with Friends)」に関するリスニング問題を用意しました。週末の予定を相談するシーンを通して、スケジュール調整や予定の確認に必要な英語表現を学びましょう!


💡 会話を聞いて、以下の質問に答えてみましょう。

Q1. What does Jake want to do this weekend?
A) Go to a concert
B) Watch a movie
C) Go shopping
D) Have dinner with family

Q2. Why can’t Sarah go on Saturday?
A) She has a work meeting
B) She is traveling
C) She has dinner plans with her family
D) She has a soccer match

Q3. When will they go to the movie?
A) Saturday at 7 PM
B) Sunday afternoon
C) Sunday at 7 PM
D) Sunday morning

Q4. What will Sarah do before the movie?
A) Play soccer
B) Have lunch with friends
C) Go shopping
D) Work at a café


📝 答え合わせをして、しっかり理解しましょう!

✅ Q1. 正解: B) Watch a movie
👉 「I was thinking about watching a new movie.」と話している。AやCの選択肢は一般的な週末の活動を利用した引っかけ。

✅ Q2. 正解: C) She has dinner plans with her family
👉 「That sounds fun, but I already have dinner plans with my family on Saturday.」と話している。AやBはありそうな予定の引っかけ。

✅ Q3. 正解: C) Sunday at 7 PM
👉 「Great! Let’s go to the 7 PM show.」と話している。AやBの選択肢は日付や時間を変えた引っかけ。

✅ Q4. 正解: A) Play soccer
👉 「I have a soccer match in the afternoon.」と話している。BやCの選択肢はありそうな週末の予定での引っかけ。


(A: 友人1(Jake), B: 友人2(Sarah))

A: Hey, Sarah. Do you have any plans for this weekend?
B: Hi, Jake. Not really. Why?
A: I was thinking about watching a new movie. It’s playing at the downtown cinema. Want to join?
B: That sounds fun, but I already have dinner plans with my family on Saturday. How about Sunday?
A: I have a soccer match in the afternoon, but I’m free in the evening.
B: Great! Let’s go to the 7 PM show.
A: Perfect! Should we buy tickets in advance?
B: Yeah, just in case it sells out. I’ll book them online.
A: Awesome. See you on Sunday!



