今回は「レストランでのトラブル(Restaurant Issues)」に関するリスニング問題を用意しました。注文ミスが発生した際に適切に対応できる英語表現を学びましょう!
💡 会話を聞いて、以下の質問に答えてみましょう。
Q1. What did the customer order?
A) A tuna salad
B) A chicken salad
C) A steak
D) A pasta dish
Q2. What mistake happened with the order?
A) The customer received the wrong drink
B) The customer received a tuna salad instead of a chicken salad
C) The customer’s food was too cold
D) The customer’s order was not taken
Q3. How does the waiter apologize?
A) By offering a free meal
B) By offering a free drink
C) By giving a discount on the bill
D) By bringing a different dish
Q4. What does the customer say at the end?
A) “I don’t want anything else.”
B) “That would be great. Thanks!”
C) “I’ll just eat this instead.”
D) “I want to cancel my order.”
📝 答え合わせをして、しっかり理解しましょう!
✅ Q1. 正解: B) A chicken salad
👉 「I ordered a chicken salad, but this is a tuna salad.」と話している。Aの「tuna salad」は誤注文の品で、引っかけ要素。
✅ Q2. 正解: B) The customer received a tuna salad instead of a chicken salad
👉 「I ordered a chicken salad, but this is a tuna salad.」と説明している。AやCはレストランでありそうな問題だが、今回の会話とは異なる。
✅ Q3. 正解: B) By offering a free drink
👉 「Would you like a free drink for the inconvenience?」と店員が対応している。AやCは異なる対応での引っかけ。
✅ Q4. 正解: B) “That would be great. Thanks!”
👉 「That would be great. Thanks!」と最後に話している。AやDの選択肢は、実際のやり取りとは違う。
(A: 店員, B: 客)
A: Here’s your order, sir. Enjoy your meal!
B: Excuse me, I think there’s a mistake. I ordered a chicken salad, but this is a tuna salad.
A: Oh, I’m so sorry about that. Let me check your order.
B: Thank you.
A: You’re right. I’ll bring your chicken salad right away.
B: I appreciate it.
A: No problem! Would you like a free drink for the inconvenience?
B: That would be great. Thanks!