英検2級のリスニングでは、日常会話を理解し、適切な選択肢を選ぶ力が求められます。今回は「体調不良・病院(Health & Medical)」に関するリスニング問題を用意しました。今回は少し難易度を上げ、会話中に出てきた単語が不正解の選択肢にも含まれるように工夫しています。設問を確認しながら、実践的なトレーニングをしましょう!
💡 会話を聞いて、以下の質問に答えてみましょう。
Q1. What symptoms does the patient have?
A) Stomach pain and headache
B) Sore throat and fever
C) Cough and dizziness
D) Runny nose and muscle pain
Q2. When did the patient start feeling unwell?
A) Last night
B) This morning
C) Yesterday afternoon
D) Two days ago
Q3. What advice does the doctor give?
A) Get some rest and drink water
B) Take strong antibiotics immediately
C) Avoid eating vegetables
D) Exercise every morning
Q4. What should the patient do if the symptoms worsen?
A) Take more pain relievers
B) Go to the pharmacy
C) Return for another check-up
D) Ignore it and continue daily activities
📝 答え合わせをして、しっかり理解しましょう!
✅ Q1. 正解: B) Sore throat and fever
👉 「I’ve been feeling tired and have a sore throat.」「I had a slight fever last night.」と話している。AやCの選択肢は似た症状での引っかけ。
✅ Q2. 正解: C) Yesterday afternoon
👉 「Since yesterday afternoon.」と話している。Aの「last night」は熱が出た時間であり、引っかけ要素。
✅ Q3. 正解: A) Get some rest and drink water
👉 「Make sure to rest and drink plenty of water.」と医師が言っている。Bの「antibiotics」は正しい医療アドバイスとは限らないため、不正解。
✅ Q4. 正解: C) Return for another check-up
👉 「If your symptoms get worse, come back for another check-up.」と説明されている。AやBは診察に対する正しい指示ではないため、不正解。
(A: 医師, B: 患者)
A: Good morning. How are you feeling today?
B: Not so well. I’ve been feeling tired and have a sore throat.
A: I see. Do you also have a fever or a cough?
B: I had a slight fever last night, but no cough.
A: Okay. Let me check your temperature. You have a mild fever. How long have you been feeling this way?
B: Since yesterday afternoon.
A: It seems like you have a mild cold. Make sure to rest and drink plenty of water.
B: Should I take any medicine?
A: You can take some pain relievers if needed. If your symptoms get worse, come back for another check-up.
B: Thank you, doctor.
A: You’re welcome. Get well soon!
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