英検2級のリスニングでは、日常会話を理解し、適切な選択肢を選ぶ力が求められます。今回は「仕事・アルバイト(Part-time Job)」に関するリスニング問題を用意しました。今回は少し難易度を上げ、会話中に出てきた単語が不正解の選択肢にも含まれるように工夫しています。設問を確認しながら、実践的なトレーニングをしましょう!
💡 会話を聞いて、以下の質問に答えてみましょう。
Q1. What kind of job is the interview for?
A) A restaurant waiter
B) A barista at a café
C) A cashier at a supermarket
D) A hotel receptionist
Q2. What experience does the applicant have?
A) Working at a bakery
B) Working as a waiter at a restaurant
C) Working as a barista
D) Working as a cashier at a convenience store
Q3. What are the main tasks of this job?
A) Taking orders, making drinks, and handling cash
B) Cooking meals and serving food
C) Cleaning tables and washing dishes
D) Delivering food to customers
Q4. When is the applicant available to work?
A) Only on weekdays
B) Only on Sundays
C) Only on Saturdays
D) On both Saturdays and Sundays
📝 答え合わせをして、しっかり理解しましょう!
✅ Q1. 正解: B) A barista at a café
👉 「Hi, welcome to Sunny Café! Are you here for the part-time job interview?」とあるので、カフェの仕事と分かる。Aの「restaurant」やCの「supermarket」は引っかけ。
✅ Q2. 正解: B) Working as a waiter at a restaurant
👉 「I have experience working at a restaurant as a waiter.」と話している。Cの「barista」やDの「cashier」は仕事に関連するが不正解。
✅ Q3. 正解: A) Taking orders, making drinks, and handling cash
👉 「This job requires taking orders, making drinks, and handling cash.」と店長が説明している。Bの「cooking meals」はレストランの仕事で、引っかけ要素。
✅ Q4. 正解: C) Only on Saturdays
👉 「I can work on Saturdays, but I have classes on Sundays.」と話している。Dの「both Saturdays and Sundays」は引っかけ選択肢。
(A: 店長, B: 応募者)
A: Hi, welcome to Sunny Café! Are you here for the part-time job interview?
B: Yes, I saw the job ad and I’m really interested.
A: Great! Have you ever worked at a café before?
B: No, but I have experience working at a restaurant as a waiter.
A: That’s good. This job requires taking orders, making drinks, and handling cash. Do you think you can manage that?
B: Yes, I’m good at multitasking, and I learn quickly.
A: Perfect! We need someone who can work on weekends. Are you available then?
B: I can work on Saturdays, but I have classes on Sundays.
A: That’s fine. We mostly need help on Saturdays. When can you start?
B: I can start next week!
A: Excellent. We’ll give you a call soon. Thanks for coming today!
B: Thank you!
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