- 環境問題に関するトピック
- 地球温暖化と気候変動
- プラスチックごみ問題
- 再生可能エネルギー
- 持続可能な開発
- 社会問題に関するトピック
- 高齢化社会
- 労働問題(ワークライフバランス、在宅勤務など)
- ジェンダー平等
- 国際協力と援助
- 生活様式に関するトピック
- 消費文化とミニマリズム
- 食品ロスと食習慣
- 交通手段と環境負荷
- デジタル化と社会変化
日本語 | 英語 |
環境 | environment |
気候変動 | climate change |
持続可能性 | sustainability |
再生可能エネルギー | renewable energy |
汚染 | pollution |
廃棄物 | waste |
保全する | conserve |
リサイクルする | recycle |
削減する | reduce |
社会問題 | social issue |
高齢化社会 | aging society |
男女平等 | gender equality |
取り組む | tackle / address |
解決する | solve / resolve |
- Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time. (気候変動は現代の最も差し迫った問題の一つです)
- We must reduce our carbon footprint to protect the environment. (環境を守るために、私たちは炭素排出量を削減しなければなりません)
- Plastic waste in the oceans is harming marine life. (海洋プラスチックごみは海洋生物に害を与えています)
- Renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power are becoming more affordable. (太陽光や風力などの再生可能エネルギー源はより手頃な価格になってきています)
- Sustainable development balances economic growth with environmental protection. (持続可能な開発は、経済成長と環境保護のバランスを取ります)
- The aging population presents challenges for healthcare and pension systems. (高齢化社会は医療と年金制度に課題をもたらします)
- Gender equality in the workplace is essential for a fair society. (職場での男女平等は公平な社会にとって不可欠です)
- Work-life balance is becoming more important for employee well-being. (ワークライフバランスは従業員の幸福にとってより重要になってきています)
- International cooperation is necessary to address global issues. (世界的な問題に取り組むには国際協力が必要です)
- Digital technology has transformed how we communicate and work. (デジタル技術は私たちのコミュニケーションや仕事の仕方を変革しました)
- I believe that governments should implement stricter regulations. (政府はより厳しい規制を実施すべきだと思います)
- Each individual can make a difference by changing daily habits. (一人ひとりが日々の習慣を変えることで違いを生み出せます)
- Both individuals and companies must take responsibility for environmental protection. (個人も企業も環境保護に対する責任を持たなければなりません)
- Education plays a vital role in raising awareness about social issues. (教育は社会問題に対する意識を高める上で重要な役割を果たします)
- A combination of technological innovation and behavior change is needed to solve these problems. (これらの問題を解決するには、技術革新と行動変容の組み合わせが必要です)
- 導入(約20語)
- 問題の簡潔な説明
- 自分の立場表明
- 本論(約60語)
- 理由1(約25語):主要な理由や解決策
- 理由2(約25語):補足的な理由や具体例
- (語数に余裕があれば)反対意見への言及と反論(約10語)
- 結論(約20語)
- 意見のまとめ
- 将来への展望や行動の呼びかけ
問題文例: Some cities are banning single-use plastic items like shopping bags and straws. Do you think this is a good idea? Write your opinion in 80-100 words.
I strongly support banning single-use plastic items. These bans are necessary steps to address our serious plastic pollution problem.
First, plastic waste is devastating marine ecosystems, with millions of tons entering our oceans annually. Banning single-use items directly reduces this pollution. Second, these bans encourage both consumers and businesses to adopt sustainable alternatives like reusable bags and biodegradable straws, which are becoming increasingly available and affordable.
While these bans may cause some short-term inconvenience, the environmental benefits far outweigh this drawback. By implementing these restrictions, cities are taking meaningful action toward creating a cleaner, more sustainable future for everyone.
While I support reducing plastic waste, I believe complete bans on single-use plastics should be implemented gradually rather than immediately.
Sudden bans can create difficulties for businesses and consumers who rely on these products. Instead, a phased approach would allow time for affordable alternatives to become widely available. Additionally, some people with disabilities need plastic straws, so exceptions should be considered.
A more effective approach would combine reasonable regulations with education campaigns and incentives for eco-friendly alternatives. This balanced strategy would reduce plastic pollution while ensuring a smooth transition for everyone. In conclusion, addressing plastic waste requires thoughtful policies that consider both environmental and social needs.
問題文例: Many countries are facing an aging population. What do you think is the biggest challenge this creates, and how can it be addressed? Write your opinion in 80-100 words.
I believe the biggest challenge of an aging population is maintaining adequate healthcare and pension systems while having fewer working-age people to support them.
This demographic shift creates financial pressure as fewer workers must support more retirees. To address this issue, governments should implement multiple strategies. First, encouraging older people to work longer by creating flexible employment opportunities would utilize their experience while reducing pension costs. Second, investing in healthcare technology and preventive medicine could reduce overall healthcare expenses.
Additionally, countries could gradually adjust immigration policies to welcome skilled workers. By combining these approaches, societies can better manage the economic challenges of an aging population while respecting seniors’ dignity.
問題文例: Do you think all countries should move quickly to replace fossil fuels with renewable energy? Write your opinion in 80-100 words.
I believe all countries should transition to renewable energy, but the pace should vary based on each country’s economic situation and energy needs.
Wealthy nations with advanced technology should move quickly to renewable sources like solar and wind power, as they have the resources to manage this transition. However, developing countries face greater challenges, as they often rely heavily on fossil fuels for economic growth and may lack funding for new infrastructure.
International cooperation is essential, with developed countries providing financial and technological support to help developing nations adopt clean energy. This balanced approach would reduce global carbon emissions while recognizing different national circumstances and ensuring energy access for all.
- 持続可能性
- 将来世代のニーズを満たす能力を損なわずに現在のニーズを満たす開発
- 自然資源の長期的な保全と活用
- 個人の責任と集団の責任
- 個人の行動変容(エコバッグの使用、食品ロス削減など)
- 企業の社会的責任(CSR)と環境への配慮
- 政府の政策と規制の役割
- 経済的観点
- 環境保護と経済成長のバランス
- グリーン経済への移行によるビジネスチャンス
- 環境問題の解決に関わるコストと利益
- 技術と革新
- 環境問題解決のための技術開発
- クリーンエネルギー技術の進歩と普及
- スマートシティや持続可能な都市計画
- 世代間の公平性
- 若者と高齢者のニーズのバランス
- 世代間の対話と相互理解の促進
- 労働と生活の質
- 働き方改革とワークライフバランス
- デジタル化による労働環境の変化
- 労働条件と生活の質の向上
- 多様性と包括性
- ジェンダー平等と女性のエンパワメント
- 多文化共生と国際理解
- 社会的弱者への配慮と支援
- 教育と啓発
- 環境・社会問題に関する意識向上
- 若い世代への教育と行動変容の促進
- メディアリテラシーと情報の適切な評価
例: 「気候変動は世界的な問題だが、自分の地域での異常気象の増加という形で実感できる」というように、大きな問題と身近な経験を結びつける。
例: 「環境問題に取り組むべき」という一般論ではなく、「学校や職場での省エネ活動の推進」「地域のリサイクルプログラムへの参加」など具体的な行動を提案する。
例: 「再生可能エネルギーへの移行は重要だが、一方で従来のエネルギー産業に依存している地域の雇用への配慮も必要」というように、複数の側面に触れる。
問題文: Food waste is a serious problem in many countries. What do you think can be done to reduce food waste? Write your opinion in 80-100 words.
問題文: Do you think more companies should allow employees to work from home? Write your opinion in 80-100 words.
- 環境・社会問題テーマの出題傾向
- テーマ別キーワードと使える表現
- 効果的な意見文の構成例
- 頻出トピック別の模範解答例
- 賛成/反対で使える論点集
- 英作文の評価を高めるための工夫